Who We Are

Back Story

bringing good news of the kingdom to an unreached people group

God called a group of people to plant churches among an unreached people group in Tunisia, North Africa. As they began to pray, share the Gospel, and disciple those who responded they realized they needed to find a way to go faster if they were going to reach this generation of people.

extraordinary prayer

They received training on Church Multiplication Movements (now often referred to as Disciple Making Movements) and learned that every Church Multiplication Movement in recorded history happened in the context of extraordinary prayer.

As they began to pursue extraordinary prayer through Pray4Tunisia, people serving other Unreached People Groups asked them to share their experience. More people wanted to leverage today’s technology on behalf of other people groups. Thus, Prayer.Tools (formerly Pray4Movement) was born.

Strategic Prayer

prayer.Tools: strategic prayer for multiplying obedient disciples
  • Informing that every church multiplication movement in history has had extraordinary prayer
  • Imparting best practices learned in “How to Start a World Changing Prayer Network”
  • Promoting strategic prayer based on disciple making movement research
  • Encouraging prayer movements to share brief prayer points, usually 1-to-3 lines long
  • Envisioning Prayer.Tools network leaders to not only pray but also mobilize prayer through relationships and opportunities God provides
  • Leveraging technology and social media’s potential for keeping prayer partners informed and updated
  • Striving to neither under- nor over- estimate man’s role in disciple making movements
  • Clarifying that Prayer.Tools is not a political agenda, rather an effort for sinners who have found forgiveness in Christ to share Good News with others
  • Helping Prayer.Tools network leaders to understand there are security concerns when ministering among many of the remaining UPGs (Unreached People Groups) and UUPGs (Unengaged Unreached People Groups), so never use names or details that will endanger people or projects

What is a Disciple Making Movement?

A Disciple Making Movement/Church Multiplication Movement is one in which:
  • There is awareness that only God can start movements, but disciples can follow biblical principles to pray, plant, and water the seeds that can lead to a book of Acts type multiplying movement.
  • The focus is to make every follower of Christ a reproducing disciple rather than merely a convert.  
  • Patterns create frequent and regular accountability for both obeying what the Lord is speaking to each person and for them to pass it on to others in a loving environment.  This requires a participative small-group approach.
  • Each disciple is equipped in comprehensive ways (such as interpreting and applying Scripture, a well-rounded prayer life, functioning as a part of the larger Body of Christ, and responding well to persecution/suffering) in order that they might function not merely as consumers, but as active agents of Kingdom advance.
  • Each disciple is given a vision both for reaching their relational network and for extending the Kingdom to the ends of the earth with a prioritization on the darkest places (with a “no place left” mentality).  They are equipped to be able to minister and partner with others in the Body of Christ in both of these environments.
  • Reproducing churches are intentionally formed as a part of the multiplying disciples process. The intent in CPM/DMM approaches is that 1) disciples, 2) churches, 3) leaders and 4) movements can multiply endlessly by the power of the Spirit.
  • Emphasis is not on the specific model of CPM/DMM used (e.g. T4T, DBS, Zume, 4 Fields, etc.) but on the underlying biblical principles of multiplying kingdom movements.
10 universal elements in every church multiplication movement

According to research done by David Garrison and the International Mission Board, there are 10 elements found in every church multiplication movement.

  1. Extraordinary Prayer
  2. Abundant Gospel Sowing
  3. Intentional Church Planting
  4. Scriptural Authority
  5. Local Leadership
  6. Lay Leadership
  7. Cell or House Churches
  8. Churches Planting Churches
  9. Rapid Reproduction
  10. Healthy Churches
Initiative Focus
Bihar Initiative Bihar, India
Rajput Prayer Network India
Pray4Delhi2Jerusalem India, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Pakistan
Pray4Nam Namibia
Pray4Druze Israel
A People Loved - virtual prayer journey Sumatra, Indonesia
Mission Indonesia Central Java, Indonesia
Praying For Indonesia Indonesia
Pray4TheBanjar Indonesia
Pray for Indonesia Indonesia
Pray4Thailand Thailand
Pray4Nashville Nashville, TN, USA
Pray4MetroNYCTurks Turk (Turkey | 113818)
prayforeurasia.com Europe
Pray4Wyoming Wyoming, USA
Pray4Virginia Virginia, USA
Pray4Texas Texas, USA
Pray4SouthDakota South Dakota, USA
Pray4SouthCarolina South Carolina, USA
Pray4Oregon Oregon, USA
Pray4Ohio Ohio, USA
Pray4NorthCarolina North Carolina, USA
Pray4NewYork NY, USA
Pray4Nebraska Nebraska, USA
Pray4Missouri Missouri, USA
Pray4Mississippi Mississippi, USA
Pray4NewHampshire New Hampshire, USA
Pray4Michigan Michigan, USA
Pray4Maryland Maryland, USA
Pray4Louisiana Louisiana, USA
Pray4Kentucky Kentucky, USA
Pray4Indiana Indiana, USA
Pray4Georgia Georgia, USA
Pray4Florida Florida, USA
Pray4Colorado Colorado, USA
Pray4California California, USA
Pray4Arizona Arizona, USA
Pray4Alabama Alabama, USA
Soak Egypt Egypt
Pray for Cambodia Cambodia
Pray4Czech Czech Republic
Pray4Macedonia Macedonia
Pray4Poland Poland
Pray4Hungary Hungary
Pray4Germany Germany
Let Chad Be Glad Chad
Pray for Basque Country Basque Country, Spain
WePray4Spain Spain
Pray4Rohingya Bangladesh, Myanmar (Burma)
Pray4thedeaf Pray4thedeaf
Pray4Ukraine Ukraine
Pray4Croatia Croatia
Pray4Bosnia Bosnia and Herzegovina
Prayer.Africa Africa
Pray4Italy Italy
Pray4Turkey Turkey
Pray4BritishColumbia British Columbia, Canada
Pray4Somalis Somalia
PrayMorocco Morocco
PrayForNiger Niger
Pray4Tunisia Tunisia

Prayer.Tools: strategic prayer for multiplying obedient disciples