Champion Non-Stop Prayer during Ramadan 2025

Would God use you to mobilize 96+ intercessors to pray daily through Ramadan 2025 for a movement among the Muslims you love?

We think so!

Ramadan 2025
February 28-March 30

Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam. During each of its +/-30 days, Muslims are obligated to fast from dawn until sunset. During this time they are supposed to abstain from food, drinking liquids, smoking, and sexual relations.

Ramadan is an important time for the Church to pray because many Muslims seek God in ways they often do not throughout the rest of the year. The Night of Power (the 27th night of Ramadan) is a special time that many expect God to speak or work miracles.


Continuous Hours






Powerful God

Champions Wanted

Help us find champions to mobilize 24/7 prayer for Muslim cities, countries, and people groups.


  • A heart for a seeing a disciple making movement among Muslims
  • Persistence to identify and mobilize 96+ intercessors who pray in 15-minute increments around the clock

Do Not Need:

  • A marketing team
  • A lot of technical skills (We have made the hard part of building a 24/7 campaign easy.)
  • A building, organization, corporate sponsorship, or a big budget
the top 11 of 80 prayer campaigns in terms of percentage covered

Ramadan 2024 in Review

84 prayer champions took on the challenge in 2022 to mobilize at least 96 intercessors who would commit to a 15-minute prayer slot each day during Ramadan. Below are the conservative stats that we know of, only in Eternity will we know the full impact:

  • Prayer Campaigns: 122
  • Countries Prayed For: 77
  • Intercessors: 6,075
  • Time Prayed: 5 years, 271 days
  • 15-Minute Time Slots Filled: 201,281

Let’s get started!

Frequently Asked Questions

I’ve filled out the webform, what happens next?

The Prayer.Tools team will review your webform submission and (if approved, within a few days) contact you to offer a simple website template, the Prayer Campaign Plugin within a Disciple.Tools install, and an adaptable prayer fuel library. These will help you mobilize people, coordinate 24/7 scheduling, and inspire Biblical and strategic prayer.

What do you mean by movement?

When we say we are praying for movements, we mean disciple making movements like we see in the book of Acts. We are praying for every disciple to be equipped to make new disciples. You can read more about this here.

Why 96+ intercessors?

There are 96 15-minute time blocks in 24 hour day. It’s good to have some backup intercessors to cover for last minute emergencies. Champions who have praying friends in multiple timezones will find it easier to fill nighttime blocks. We think we can help some with that, and with ways to grow your mailing list.

will i be doing this alone?

We encourage every champion of 24/7 prayer during Ramadan to mobilize a couple of others to help in promotion and content creation. We will share many resources and tools and help one another pursue this God-sized vision.

What About security?

Prayer network leaders have previously received death threats from Islamic groups, so it’s probably wiser to just mobilize intercessors than to become known publicly as the official leader through public posts on social media, websites, etc.

what Does this cost?

This is truly free, though the developers of Disciple.Tools would welcome donations.

what’s Next?

We don’t know, but whether these 24/7 efforts continue or not, after Ramadan, we hope that many prayer networks will continue, believing extraordinary prayer will precede all movements.

Resources for Champions

Check out tips we’ve gathered over the years to fill up your campaign with 24/7 prayer.

  • Best practices for filling every prayer slot
  • Tools for translation
  • FAQ for champions
  • Helpful timelines and resources
  • Marketing and promotional templates